Unleashing Fun: The FunBikes MXR Range

Are you a thrill-seeker looking to upgrade your off-road experience? FunBikes, a renowned UK brand, has got you covered with its MXR range of dirt bikes. Designed for both kids and adults, the MXR range offers a blend of style, performance, and affordability. In this blog post, we will delve deep into the features, specifications, and benefits of the FunBikes MXR range.

FunBikes: A Brief Overview

Before we dive into the MXR range, let’s take a moment to understand the brand behind these amazing bikes. FunBikes, a UK-based company, has been a leading name in the world of off-road vehicles for years. They specialize in providing a wide variety of mini motos, pit bikes, quad bikes, and more. Their commitment to quality, safety, and customer satisfaction has earned them a loyal customer base worldwide.

The MXR Range

The MXR range by FunBikes is specifically designed to cater to off-road enthusiasts. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned rider, the MXR range has something for everyone. These bikes are not only visually appealing but also packed with features that guarantee an exhilarating ride.

MXR 50cc Dirt Bike

The MXR 50cc is a perfect starter bike for kids aged 6-12. Despite its small size, this bike is equipped with a powerful 50cc 2-stroke engine, capable of reaching speeds up to 25 mph. Additionally, it features front and rear disc brakes, ensuring safe and controlled stops.

MXR 125cc Dirt Bike

Next in the line is the MXR 125cc. This mid-sized bike is suitable for teenagers and adults alike. It comes with a 125cc 4-stroke engine, which provides a smooth and powerful performance. Moreover, the MXR 125cc is equipped with larger wheels and enhanced suspension, making it ideal for tackling rough terrains.

MXR 250cc Dirt Bike

For those seeking an adrenaline rush, the MXR 250cc is the ultimate choice. This beast is powered by a 250cc 4-stroke engine, capable of delivering unmatched speed and acceleration. Besides, its hydraulic disc brakes and adjustable suspension ensure a safe and comfortable ride, even on the most challenging terrains.

Benefits of the MXR Range

Durability and Performance

One of the key advantages of the MXR range is its durability. These bikes are built with high-quality materials to withstand the toughest of conditions. Moreover, the powerful engines, superior suspension, and responsive braking system ensure a top-notch performance.


FunBikes has always been committed to providing affordable off-road vehicles without compromising on quality. The MXR range is no exception. With prices starting from as low as £399, these bikes offer great value for money.

Electric Options in the MXR Range

Recognising the increasing demand for eco-friendly alternatives, FunBikes has included electric bikes in the MXR range. These electric dirt bikes not only offer quiet operation and low maintenance, but they also deliver impressive performance.

MXR 550w Electric Dirt Bike

The MXR 550w is perfect for budding riders aged 6-12. It features a 550w electric motor that can reach top speeds of 20 mph. Parents can also regulate the speed with three settings (low, medium, high) to match their child’s skill level. Additionally, the MXR 550w is equipped with front and rear disc brakes and a robust suspension system, ensuring a smooth and secure ride.

MXR 1000w Electric Dirt Bike

For older children and teenagers, the MXR 1000w is an excellent option. Powered by a 1000w electric motor, this bike can reach speeds of up to 25 mph. The three-speed settings allow for a tailored riding experience, and the larger wheels and enhanced suspension make it suitable for tackling rough terrains.

MXR 1600w Electric Dirt Bike

The MXR 1600w is the top-tier electric bike in the MXR range, suitable for teenagers and adults. With a 1600w electric motor, it boasts top speeds of 30 mph. Its three-speed settings, hydraulic disc brakes, and adjustable suspension ensure a safe and comfortable ride on even the most challenging terrains.

Benefits of Electric MXR Bikes


One of the major benefits of electric MXR bikes is their eco-friendliness. They produce zero emissions, which makes them a great option for environmentally conscious riders.

Quiet Operation

Electric MXR bikes operate quietly compared to their petrol counterparts. This is especially beneficial for riding in residential areas or places where noise is a concern.

Low Maintenance

Electric bikes require less maintenance than petrol bikes. There are no oil changes, air filters, or spark plugs to worry about. This makes them a cost-effective option in the long run.

Final Thoughts

In summary, the FunBikes MXR range is a must-have for off-road enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels. With its combination of durability, performance, and affordability, it’s no wonder why the MXR range is a popular choice among riders worldwide. So, why wait? Gear up and unleash the fun with the FunBikes MXR range.

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